Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shocked and Saddened

Despite being a firm believer in the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule), I was still shocked and saddened to read the following yesterday from an email I received from Equality California:

"What is also unfortunate is that only 30,000 people have donated to the No on 8 campaign compared to the 60,000 who have donated to the other side.

In a state with about two million LGBT people, in a country with millions more and tens of millions of straight allies, we have to get everyone to support the fight. If every LGBT person donates we can win!"

You got to be fucking kidding me! If California's LGBT citizens could care less about Prop 8, why should anyone else? If you are LGBT, living in California, reading Stand Straight, and you still haven't given........PLEASE MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY!

$10, $20, $100....... GIVE SOMETHING!

If every LGBT citizen in the state of California would have given $15, (that's FIFTEEN DOLLARS) the money raised and more importantly the message sent would have been a powerful statement to our state, and the country at large, that our CIVIL RIGHTS are not negotiable. Instead, less than 1.5% of the LGBT community here in California thought it was important enough to provide monetary support and hence we find ourselves behind in the polls. (the number is even smaller than 1.5% because many straight and out of state people have supported the No campaign)

To donate today, please click here..... DONATE NOW

Please help out! I don't want to wonder why it is the few who always seem to shoulder the burden for the many. Especially when so much is at stake for all of us on November 4th.

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