Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Date

Due to a really great family moment for one of my friends, whom I had plans with on Friday night, I thought it would be best for us to postpone our plans. As such, I decided to push up my date from Saturday brunch to Friday dinner.

I thought the date went really well. He’s definitely my type, we had great conversation, and he seems to be a good guy.

What I really took away from the evening, beyond having a good time with a quality guy, was my own growth. Honestly, I didn’t know how I would handle being on a “date” with a guy in a public place. We went to a restaurant in Brentwood and the place was packed. Looking back on the night, there were only two brief moments where I thought that others were looking at us as gay men. I’m saying that as a thought I had, but not one in which others may have actually been looking at us in that way. And as I said, there were only two moments and they happened in the beginning of the date. The first was when we were on our way to the restaurant and stopped at a traffic light. The car next to us on the driver side had a girl in the passenger seat and a guy in the driver’s seat. The girl was looking at us and I happened to make eye contact with her. She then turned to the guy in the driver’s seat who then turned to look at us. The second brief moment was when we first entered the restaurant. After those two moments, I didn’t care nor think about being gay, or what others may have thought about me the rest of the night.

When we left the company of each other the following question was outstanding. Which TV series used Time of Your Life by Green Day in it’s series finale? Friends or Seinfeld? My date believed it was used in the finale of Friends. I knew better and told him it was used in the finale of Seinfeld. So an hour later the following text conversation occurred:

Date: You were right, it was Seinfeld

Me: I hate to be cocky but I am usually right. Haha. So what do I win?

Date: Lol, I HATE being wrong! And I like cocky guys, think its hot, I guess you win a 2nd date with me, I know I’m very generous

Me: Well then I look forward to seeing u when we both return to LA

Date: Sounds good!

Me: Have a good night!

First date down, and G-d willing many more to come.


Unknown said...

Hope you had a great Turkey Day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first date! From the text messages you two exchanged I know there has to be something going on. Here's to another date.