Thursday, December 18, 2008

Scratching My Head AGAIN

What did the liberals and many in the GLBT community think?

Let me repeat that.

And here we go one last time,

Since the news broke that our President Elect chose Rick Warren to offer the invocation at the inauguration, a firestorm amongst the GLBT and liberal organizations has broke out. (I’ve got some emails to prove it, asking me to take action.) I can certainly understand the frustration and deep disappointment by many who contributed and worked tirelessly for Mr. Obama’s campaign, but once again and IMO, the leadership of the traditional GLBT organizations look sophomoric, out of touch, and without a grasp of what type of impact and influence they actually have.

I laugh now at this firestorm as I did back during the campaign when we, the volunteers of the campaign, would convey the message that Mr. Obama was against Prop 8. The truth is this.
Our President Elect is AGAINST gay "marriage".

He has gone on record saying that! He may espouse his belief in the equality of gays and lesbians but so far they are just words. Time will tell what type of President he will be, just as time will tell whether my life and my future relationships will ever be equally recognized and respected, with the same equal rights and protections as those of my straight friends, throughout our great nation.

I voted for our President Elect and I stand by my vote. He was the better candidate on a whole host of issues. Beyond the one meeting that I attended with respect to his campaign, (please see W:-)A:-(W post) I did not contribute a dime nor expend an ounce of time to support him. (all my time and money went to the fight for my state rights) This episode takes me back to a comment made by one of the liberal activists at that meeting and I’m paraphrasing, "that Mr. Obama had to be more moderate now to win, but once he won, he would shift way back to the left and become a very liberal President." LOL because some people just don't get American politics.

Lastly, to the HRC or EQCA leadership, have you talked to Mr. Warren? Or as our President Elect is open to doing, have we talked to those with different viewpoints.

According to the online CNN article Rick Warren wasn't always a lightning rod for controversy

Warren himself is working to contain the fallout from his support for California's Proposition 8. In an interview set to air this week, he denied that his stand against same-sex marriage meant he was homophobic.

"Of course not. I have always treated them with respect," he said. "When they come and wanna talk to me, I talk to 'em. When the protesters came, we served them water and doughnuts."

Although I find great humor in Mr. Warren's equating respect with a talk, water, and doughnuts, conversations with him and his like need to take place.

And make no mistake about it,

and he has already begun his campaign for re-election!

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