Friday, May 16, 2008

For me, FREEDOM!

After 9-1/2 years of working in a sales function for the same company in the construction industry, I have resigned. I gave my two weeks notice today. This day has been highlighted on my calendar for the past 60 days. The longest 60 days of my life. Today's action will go down as just another example, too numerous to count, of the measured and methodical way in how I have lived. That is about to change!

I did not make this decision lightly, and with a heavy heart it was very difficult to break the news to my boss. He, and the company have been extraordinarily supportive through the years and I leave very grateful for the many opportunities and rewards that have come my way. I tried to prepare him for this day over the last few months having offered him a number of hints about my unhappiness. Despite this, his response was still WOW! Once again, someone was completely surprised by something I had to say. He wanted to reflect on my decision over the weekend and asked that we speak again on Monday, which I agreed. However, my decision is FIRM and I am at peace with it.

For me, this decision represents FREEDOM! As crazy, laughable, and as sad as that may sound, I could not move forward with my life carrying the baggage of my past. (having broken the zippers on my baggage, making it inoperable during my business trip a few weeks ago, was the final confirmation from above) So this decision is the first step in my plan to be the honest me. It offers me the fresh start to be who I am and to do what I really want to do. It provides me with the opportunities to create the life that I have been looking to lead, and not the life that has led me. It provides me with FREEDOM!

Bob Sinclair-"Soundz of Freedom"

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