Sunday, May 18, 2008

Oy Vay

I am pissed! I have a trip planned to San Diego for this upcoming Memorial Day weekend and I couldn't have been happier. Until late last night that is. This trip has been part of my master plan and it has been booked and paid for now for over two months. Well, late last night I got in a fight with my

clock/radio. It looks very much like the one above and I've had it since I was a little kid. Unfortunately, the clock/radio won this fight, but I will win the war. (do I hear Goodwill) Anyway, as I was heading off to dreamland with the clock/radio sleep function on, the reception started to go so I tried to move the clock/radio from one side of the bed to the other in an attempt for clarity. Well, the plug got stuck on something so I had to yank it. haha The second time I yanked on it from a lying position in bed, my grip on the clock/radio was lost. The clock/radio crashed down on my mouth and chin and busted my lip and bruised my chin. YES!!! That's just what I needed. The results are a swollen, busted, and bloody lip, a 3/4" cut going from where my flesh meets the top lip, wrapping all the way underneath to the inside gums. It's almost a straight, vertical line. However, I am pretty lucky as it appears I did not injure any teeth.

So what does this all mean? My hopes for next weekend are shot. I was really looking forward to my trip to San Diego for progress on my journey and to kiss my first cute guy. As of now, the only thing I'm going to be kissing is my pillow. My trip now will have to focus on the other reasons for visiting; relaxation and checking out Hillcrest. Despite my apprehension and feeling of terror in stepping forward, I did not plan for this to happen.

So why? At this point, I believe it was a sign to let go of the things that I've held onto since I was a kid. In this case, my clock/radio. With the help of

I am hoping it heals healthy. But will it heal in time?

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