Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hey Big Mo

I went to looking for the right card but I couldn’t quite find one that said what I needed to say. Nor did any of them have any writing on the back. :-) So what’s a guy to do?

Big Mo,

I can’t thank you enough! Thank you for writing, thank you for responding, thank you for sharing, thank you for caring, thank you for questioning me, thank you for challenging me, thank you for teaching me, thank you for getting me to think, and thank you for showing me that life is worth living as my honest self. Thank you for being you!

I’ve stood straight for a very long time and I really don’t know if I ever would have gained the courage to step forward had I not reached out and you responded in the way you did. Your support and friendship over the last 8 months has been extremely meaningful and I am eternally grateful for the impact you have had on my life. I know at times I may have been a burden, so thanks for your patience and thanks for having taken the time. You are a very special guy, although I know you don’t need me to tell you that, and my one hope and wish for you is that all of the dreams that you have for yourself come true. You deserve nothing less! If at anytime there is anything that I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. My task is now grand in trying to pay it forward.

Thanks so much and L'chaim!

Your friend,

Little Mo

Mariah Carey-”Hero”......thanks for being mine

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