Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ahh the Gym

I don't have any cool gym sauna stories to tell (I'm not that confident yet), but I can report that I approached my first guy at the gym yesterday. lol (I'm sorry, but these last few days everything seems so funny, in a funny good kind of way) I have spoke with guys at the gym before, but they were all necessity comments like, "can you spot me." And I actually spoke with a woman the other day, but let's not go back, I'm stepping forward.

Anyway, so me and this other guy made eye contact quite a few times yesterday. As I am finding, looking at other guys and making the occasional eye contact happens all the time at the gym so I shouldn't have been so surprised. But in this case it seemed different. It was almost like one of us was waiting for the other to make a move. It was a bit surreal. :-D So he's working out his arms on a high cable machine about 8 feet behind me and I'm working out my chest doing incline dumbbell presses on a bench in front of him facing a mirror. I'm on my last set of 10 reps at 60 lbs. The last few reps were challenging. But what was interesting was that when I finished and sat up, I noticed through looking at the mirror, it appeared that he was approaching me as if to help and ensure I completed all of my reps. When I was done he turned around to go back to his machine. So he wasn't going to get dumbbells. He was a good looking dude, was shorter than I, was better built, and looked like he had no fat on him. I thought. What was behind the meaning of his gym generosity and aborted approach? I then stayed at the same bench in front of the mirror to do dumbbell flys and he moved to the right of me to do dumbbell curls. Once again I began to laugh as I was doing my flys as I was thinking that I need to say something to him.

And I did. When I was done with my flys, dumbbell chest flys that is and not the one I see when I look towards the floor, I went up to him and asked him how strict he was with his diet because he was muscular and lean, but not really as thick as body builder muscular. (if that even makes sense) He had a great body! He was really at the limit of my attraction to muscle. He smiles and answers, and I'm paraphrasing his quote, "pretty strict where I watch what I eat but I'm not really anal about it." We both smiled and conversed for another 20 seconds or so and then we each went back to our workouts. We made eye contact off and on for the remainder of each of our workouts and that was that. It will be interesting to see what happens if we see each other again at the gym.

Good times, lots of laughs, and a workout to boot!

And on the walk home the following song came on the pod. Which of course made me think about the encore of my public hetero life while wondering what the hell was I waiting for on my homo life?

Linkin Park/Jay Z- "Numb/Encore"

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